Harry Potter & selling other books at Waterstones
Eoin Purcell The art of selling Selling Harry Potter takes no work for a bookseller. Yeah they can open at 12-midnight and have a show with owls, yes they can sell it for the incredible price of €8.99...
View ArticleI am not convinced – Why “bookaholic”, as a concept, stinks
Eoin Purcell Books bought by the kilo, sold by the rupee. Probably about a mile of books along the street for sale. If you ever need any outdated calculus and basic programming books, I know where you...
View ArticleGo Read This | Tesco tablet expected on 23 September
It has been clear for some time that probably only full-scale retailers have the capacity to respond to Amazon, Google, Apple and other digital giants. They have the advantages of scale, access to...
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